User Guide
How to Play
- 1. Select an item
- On the prize list page, tap the prize you want to win. Below the prize image, you can check the prize name, play points, model, and how to play.
- 2. Tap PLAY
- The game screen for the prize you selected will be displayed. To start the game press the 'PLAY' button.
- 3. Operate the sideways movement arm
- Press the horizontal arrow to move the crane arm. The arm only moves while you are holding it down, and stops when you release it.
- 4. Control backward arm
- When the camera switches, press the back move button to move the arm. Release the button to lower the arm.
- 5. Switch cameras
- You can freely switch the camera angle during play. You can check from the front, side, and top viewpoints.
- 6. Continue
- If you didn't get a prize and will keep trying, please press 'YES'. If the timer reaches '0' or you tap 'NO' then the play will finish.
- 7. Prize Win
- If the prize drops down, it will be won and the Win Effect will be displayed.
*In rare cases it may not be displayed.Please inform us via thw 'Inquiry' button.
*There are a variety of ways of winning depending on the game. - 8. Confirmation of prize
- Prizes won will be added to the 'Won Prizes / Shipping Request' part of the menu.
Charge Method
- 1. Point charge
- In order to play with iCatch Online, you will need points offered by iCatch Online. First, tap the 'Charge' button.
- 2. Select points
- Tap the points to charge
- 3. Select charge method
- Choose the method used to charge. Follow the instructions on the screen to purchase points.
- 4. Checking points
- Make sure that the 'Owned points' at the bottom of the screen has increased by the amount purchased
How to send shipping request
- 1. Checking prizes
- Tap 'Won Prizes / Shipping Request' in the menu.
- 2. Selecting prizes to be shipped
- Select the prizes to be shipped in the left check box and tap Delivery Address Input. Follow the instructions on the screen and enter the 'shipping address'.
- 未成年(18歳未満)の方へ
- ポイントを購入する場合は、保護者の方の同意が必要です。必ず、正しい年齢の登録をお願いします。
- ポイントを購入する場合は、事前に保護者の方に許可をもらうか、一緒に購入するようにしてください。
- 購入できるポイントは、年齢によって決まっています。
- あそぶ時間や購入する金額を保護者の方と相談して購入してください。
- 上限額 18歳未満 10,000円/月
- クレーンゲームジャパン株式会社(以下「当社」と称します。)は、当社商品の転売行為やオークションサイト等での出品・販売を禁止します。また、当社商品の転売、オークションサイト等での出品・販売を目的とした当社商品の購入は、直接の購入又は第三者を通じた購入を問わず、固くお断りしています。
当社が販売している商品を除き、転売業者や個人のサイト等で販売されている商品は、使用期限・消費期限・賞味期限・品質管理において把握することが不可能なため、 当社として一切の責任を持つことはできません。
Digital Gift Usage Guide
Press the 'MENU' in the bottom right.
The Digital Gift section has been added to the MENU. Please tap it.
A list of the Digital Gift you’ve won will be displayed.
Press the 'Use' button.
A separate browser will open (you will be redirected to the mafin site).
Press the button to display the receipt screen.
The page will change to the receipt screen, displaying the card number and balance.
Pressing the 'Show Barcode' button will display a barcode to show to the store staff.